Individual Health
What Is Individual Health Insurance?
Some individual health plans have enrollment periods but a-lot are available year around. Individual plans can be just as flexible as Group options through work. These plans apply to self-employed, w2, dependents aging out, spouse options are too expensive and anyone else that needs coverage for themselves.

Individual Health Insurance Form
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Several benefits come by choosing an individual health plan:
Even if you switch jobs, you will not have to worry about losing your health coverage with an individual plan, as you would if you were covered under an employer group plan.
You are not limited to certain policies. You have the freedom to choose which policy fits your needs best regarding coverage, costs, or network providers.
Individual health insurance is available to all, regardless if there are pre-existing medical conditions.
If you are under 65 and wondering whether an individual health plan may be right for you, here are a few scenarios that may put one of these policies in more of your favor:
Young adults can be covered under their parents’ health insurance plan until they turn 26. Then, they must find their own coverage. Suppose you are unemployed or lose your job, thus, losing your employer group coverage. In that case, you could purchase an individual health insurance plan.
If you work part-time, you may not receive many health benefits. To receive coverage, you will more than likely have to enroll in an individual health plan.
A self-employed individual could possibly be covered under their spouse’s insurance plan. However, if not married, they may have to purchase their own individual policy.
If your existing insurer drops you for whatever reason, you can enroll in an individual plan.
If you find yourself in any scenario with out coverage, an individual health plan may be the right decision for you.
Any one under 65 years of age!!!
If you retire and are 65 or older, you may no longer be covered by your employer group health plan and will more than likely have to enroll in an individual health plan. When you turn 65, you will be eligible for Medicare, which covers the individual and is not a family plan. If you need help with Medicare we can help point you to a quality agency in your area. Give us a call.
The Health Agents is a full comprehensive health insurance Broker. We offer all ancillary products as stand alone options for individuals. Dental, Vision, Life, Disability, Accident, Hospital